John Coleman, Contract Alliance Facilitator, Aughinish Alumina Ltd.

    • John Coleman, Contract Alliance Facilitator, Aughinish Alumina Ltd.'s presentations

    John Coleman, BSc. (Hons) MEng. MIEI, MIAM, M.I. Ref. Eng. is a Contract Alliance Facilitator at Rusal’s Aughinish Alumina Refinery in Limerick. His primary role at the moment is management of contract installations at the plant. He previously managed the Central workshop which provides a repair and overhaul service to the rest of the facility. He is a former Chairman of MEETA which is a sector in Engineers Ireland aimed at promoting Maintenance and former chair of Engineers Ireland  John is currently a Member of the Institute of Refractories Engineers and The Institute of Asset Managers (IAM). He currently sits on the Engineers Ireland Council and Executive boards. His professional experience spans over 30 years in high volume manufacturing including Management positions in Planning, Maintenance, Operations and Reliability.

    Presentation Title- Manage Reliability to Minimise Asset Maintenance Expenditure.

    To protect against equipment down time, production and financial loss and the associated consequences companies may deploy several strategies. They can choose to do very little and live with what they will determine to be “acceptable risk” (fix it when it breaks) or the can invest in training, technology, maintenance systems and other damage limitation exercises. In between “do nothing” and “do everything” is a very wide range of the question is – where does the balance lie? This is a difficult question and getting the answer wrong can have serious and long-term consequences. Inevitably RELIABILITY will form some part of the overall strategy for most companies, because everyone wants to have reliable equipment.


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